What is the best time to drink kombucha for weight loss?
OK, so maybe you're researching on the best drinks for weight loss? Or perhaps you're looking to lose a bit of weight really quickly by drinking kombucha and want to know the best time to drink it?
Whatever your reason - here's some very quick and very basic advice on weight loss before we get started. This advice comes to you from me, as I was a Personal Trainer before I started making kombucha at our Thailand kombucha factory here in Phuket! I helped many people like you over my career as a personal trainer, so what you're going to read in this article comes from actual real life results I got for them.
So can I drink kombucha for weight loss?
YES you can drink kombucha for weight loss - as long as it's part of your overall diet, and you're burning more calories than you are consuming by doing cardio (and preferably!) weights and resistance training.
Let me explain that a bit more, as I want to make it VERY clear to you that NO "magic fat burning pill" or "fat erasing cream" is going to help you lose weight. In fact, most of the fat burner pills out there for sale, are based on some form of appetite suppressant that can do damage to your body, if you take them for a long time. They contain something called Ephedrine that makes you not hungry - but also makes you stay awake and you get all twitchy. Ever noticed that, when you take them?
OK, fat burning creams are a total waste of money too! I explain this by asking if you could burn gasoline by just rubbing it on your car? No, of course you couldn't! So it's the same with rubbing ANY cream on your body, hoping it will "burn calories" and get rid of fat: It won't! Not now, and not ever.
Want to know what WILL help you lose weight?
The Magic Guaranteed Weight Loss Method
Now you know that creams and pills will NOT help you lose weight, let me save you a lot of time knowing what WILL work 100% of the time.
Burn more calories every day than you eat every day!
Nathan Hague
That's it. That's the magic formula. And yes, you can even drink our kombucha for weight loss as part of all this!
Let me explain a bit more, so you know EXACTLY how to lose weight by drinking our KombuchaWOW (and how to exercise and eat better!) to get you to your weight loss goals quicker.
Exercising for weight loss
Some of you might love to join a gym, and some of you reading this will hate the thought of going to a gym to workout in front of people.
Whatever your preferences, you WILL NEED to do some form of exercise to help burn off more calories than you consume each day. This doesn't need to be anything more complex than going for a walk each day! But with a twist: Choose your walking route and make one that takes you at least 30 minutes on your first time.
Then every day, just decrease the time it takes you on that same walk. Not by much - just aim for at least 30 seconds every day. This doesn't sound much, but over a month it all adds up! Oh, and of course you can reward yourself after your walk with a cold, sparkling bottle of KombuchaWOW! Mango Passionfruit of course!
We've talked about walking, which is GREAT for fat loss, but you're also going to need to do some form of weights training too. My suggestion again, if you DON'T like gyms, is to either buy a kettlebell of at least 12Kg if you can afford it, OR a 5Kg sack of rice as a cheap and effective alternative!
Just make sure you grab your kettlebell or sack of rice, and squat!
Squatting is an all-over body exercise and because you're holding a weight now, it makes the exercise something way more powerful that WILL help you burn fat quickly over the course of a month.
There are many videos on how to squat, but the golden rule of squatting with weights is:
Squat on your heels rather than your toes, and push your ass out and keep your chest and chin UP as you squat - imagine holding a pencil between your shoulder blades as well.
Try to do 10 sets of 10 squats each, with NO MORE than 30 seconds pause between each set of 10. You probably WON'T be able to do all 10 sets of 10 squats in this way on your first time, but that's the point: Do as many sets as you can, and write down how many sets and squats you did in each set. The idea is you do more the next day until you can do all 10 sets of 10 squats. And at that point, you'll probably want to go to the gym as you'll have lost weight, put on a bit of muscle and look more toned - so you'll be more confident I reckon!
Now we've talked about exercise, it's time for the next part of the magic formula for losing weight, where you can still drink kombucha for weight loss (and eat donuts too, believe it or not!)
Eating for weight loss
There's many different diets out there that you can choose to follow to lose weight. But the best diet is one that you will stick to, and fits in around your lifestyle.
It's hard to follow a keto diet and be able to work, as you'll probably feel bad for a week as your body adjusts. Noone will want to work with someone moody because their diet is affecting them, right?
That's just an example but you get the idea: Diets are temporary things, and most people put more weight on at the end of the diet so they weigh more than they originally did BEFORE the diet!
OK then, so here's some practical tips to be able to eat "better" so you can get to your ideal weight and bodyfat percentage quicker - and only do these for 30 days so you can see for yourself how you do:
- Drink water every day. 2L of plain, boring water. Can be sparkling too if you prefer. (Noone tells you about peeing SO MUCH for the first 2 weeks, but I just have 555)
- Don't drink soda every day. No Coke. No Fanta. No Sprite. No bottled ice tea, even (it has so much sugar in it!), but DO have ONE day a week where you can drink whatever you want. I would also say that DON'T drink kombucha every day as well if you're wanting to lose weight! Most kombuchas out there have a lot of sugar in them, and even when you're drinking very low calorie brands like our KombuchaWOW - your body will think it's getting sugar because your taste buds will signal your brain that it's a sweet drink. We can't fool our bodies, so the best time to drink kombucha for weight loss is on your "day off" as you'll read more about below.
- Don't drink frappes / sweet iced coffees every day. Those Starbucks and roadside sellers in Thailand make some yummy coffee drinks - but they're more like desserts than a coffee! So look: DO have just one sugary, syrupy frappe latte or whatever you like, but only ONCE a week. Make it a treat you will look forward to! Load it up with everything you can - and probably have it on the same day as when you eat your McDonalds (see below!)
- For just 30 days, don't drink alcohol. At all. See the difference in your weight (and wallet!). This is the one thing you CANNOT have for the ENTIRE 30 days. Alcohol contains almost as many calories as fat, and you wouldn't want to drink a bottle of fat, right? NO ALCOHOL for your 30 days ok?
- DON'T eat Western and Falang fast food like McDonalds, Burger King every day. I DO want you to eat them ONCE A WEEK though! Make that meal one you will look forward to - and have soda, and have your frappe latte after it - go crazy! BUT ONLY ONCE A WEEK.
- NO chocolate bars or candy every day. Well, except on your one day a week like above. If you're hungry between meals, it means you didn't eat enough of your last meal - so next time, ask for a bit bigger portion so you won't feel like snacking next time.
That was a longer article than I planned to write, but now you hopefully know more about when the best time to drink kombucha for weight loss would be: It's ANYTIME you want, providing you're exercising and eating in a way that gets you a calorie deficit each day (remember: You want to burn more calories each day, than you're consuming!)
It's been quite a few years since I was a personal trainer in Phuket, but the information and science hasn't changed - and never will. We're human, we just need to move more and eat less processed foods, to be honest! Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go and drink a bottle of our apple pie kombucha before I go to the gym...