With All Its Health Benefits, How Much Should I Drink?

We all love the fizzy, slightly-sweet, slightly sour drink that is kombucha, right? The thing is, we've also heard of the phrase, "too much of a good thing can be a bad thing". So the question remains: "How much kombucha should I drink?". Let's try and answer that now hey?
Now whether you're brewing your own kombucha, or you buy bottles from quality kombucha brewers like us here at KombuchaWOW! (cough cough), then you still might have no idea on how much booch is recommended for you to drink per day and what that limit might be.
Well it might surprise you to find out that there is no formal daily recommended daily allowance (RDA) for kombucha like there is for, say, meat or dairy or grain products!
That's right!
Dental Concerns

We have some anecdotal evidence that over 16oz (500ml), things might get a bit complicated - including the fact that kombucha is an acidic liquid, so your dental enamel on your teeth might start to wear out sooner than if you didn't drink kombucha. If this is a concern for you, then make sure you drink water straight after your booch so it flushes the acidity.
Also - make sure this water isn't carbonated. You want pure unflavoured water to dilute and wash away any remaining kombucha that's covering your tooth enamel.
Caffeine - Not a Concern
Also, it's good to talk about the fact that kombucha or jun tea is made from tea. And tea has caffeine in it. In fact, it's absolutely needed in order to make a successful and rounded fermented batch of booch. But, as with everything, if you're sensitive to caffeine then you probably don't want more than a cup or two regular coffees per day.

In a single cup of coffee, there's around 95mg of caffeine - and in a cup of green tea, there's about 25mg of caffeine.
Luckily, in each 250ml bottle of KombuchaWOW! though, there's only around 8mg. But trying to use a 250ml bottle of kombucha to get the same effect as your regular coffee - well, that won't work. This maybe a good thing or bad thing, but it's just me telling you that the caffeine issue in kombucha is massively overblown now you know there's 10x less caffeine in a bottle of KombuchaWOW than there is in your cup of coffee. Make your own choice on how many bottles you want to drink, based on this information.
Gut Health - GI Distress
OK, now for the big one: The biggest thing we can recommend for you if you're asking "how much kombucha can I drink"... it's all down to you trusting your gut. Like, literally trusting your own gut to tell you how much is enough. If you've never had kombucha before, then we recommend starting with just half of one of KombuchaWOW! 250ml bottles, and seeing if your digestive tract decides this is ok or this is enough. How will you know if it's enough? Well, you'll know as you're running to the toilet! You gut will get used to it in this case - and it will start to get used to the healthy probiotics, amino acids and bacteria in the kombucha so you get all the benefits without the quick toilet trips!
Special Concern If You're Pregnant Or Breastfeeding
Final thing for those of you reading, that are pregnant or breastfeeding. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND you drink ANY kombucha during this time, unless it's been pasteurised. Our kombucha for example, is raw and sparkling - but it's unpasteurised - so it's a risk to drink in this scenario. Not a bad huge risk, but ANY size risk to the health of you and your baby isn't really a good idea of course!
Final Answer
"How much kombucha should I drink though, Nate?"
Two x 250ml bottles of kombucha a day is going to benefit you and your gut health.
You can drink as little or as much as you like based on your own body and your own health and fitness goals. Your lifestyle might be completely different to mine, and that's ok. For example, I personally drink at least 1 x 250ml bottle each day of either our apple pie kombucha or our mango passionfruit, BUT I also sample from MANY batches of kombucha and jun tea here at our Thailand kombucha brewery in Phuket. So really, you could say I drink about 1L of booch every day, 7 days a week (I love what I do, and I love our KombuchaWOW even more, can you tell?!)
Anyhoo, you do you. And as usual, if you have any questions then ask away over on our Facebook, Instagram or TikTok channels. We LOVE reading your questions and comments!
